Growth Relationships

Things That Hinder Spiritual Growth

Things that hinder your spiritual growth are obstacles or barriers that prevent you from growing in your faith and having a deeper and stronger relationship with God. Hindrances can keep you from experiencing so many things from God such as His love, His joy, His peace etc..

I’ve put together 7 common barriers that hinder our growth in Christ:

1- Certain relationships: This could be our friends, certain family members, or a spouse. The people you form relationships with also have the ability to influence you in both good and bad ways. In order to grow in Christ you have to pay close attention to who you are allowing yourself to hangout with and be around. “Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” -1 Corinthians 15:33. For growth to happen you want to be around the ones who encourage you to get in the word, lift you up in prayer, do Bible studies with you, go to church with you, the ones who are also trying to grow spiritually. But if you allow yourself to be around the ones who, party, drink, cuss, or sin without even taking a minute to look up and ask for forgiveness then chances are you probably shouldn’t hangout with them. You see by you being around them you start to get used to their behavior and before long you’ll be doing the same things they are doing. Instead of allowing that to happen maybe take a step back and see if you taking a step back affects them and makes them want to change their ways.

2- Worldly Distractions: There are so many things in this world that distract us everyday ranging from, Facebook, Instagram, tik tok, snapchat to the things on tv. In order to grow we have to spend less time on these things and more time in the word, more time with God. “But the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful” -Mark 4:19. Have you ever been doing a Bible study and your phone went off? Before you knew it you were checking your phone the second it went off instead of truly focusing on the Bible study you were just doing seconds before you got distracted by your phone. We have to be fully committed and willing to wait to check things until we are done with our Jesus time. He should be our number one priority, not what everyone is doing on social media.

3- Negative Thinking: This happens to the best of us, we all have some shape or form of negative thoughts going through our mind. This goes back to the post I made the other day about replacing the lies with the truth. Chances are those negative thoughts are lies that the enemy has put in your head. The enemy sees you wanting to grow spiritually and he hates that so he sends millions of negative thoughts your way to try and make you trip. We can’t allow that to happen, negative thoughts should be even more of a reason for us to get in the word so that we can replace those negative thoughts with the positive ones God left for us. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” -Philippians 4:8

4- Slothfulness/Laziness: “Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper” -Proverbs 13:4. When it comes to laziness there are so many things the Bible has to say regarding this, God doesn’t like laziness and neither should we! You see if we become lazy in our spiritual journey we start to feel really far from God, we start to notice our mental state changing, we see our hearts changing and becoming hard, we no longer feel his peace or his joy. This happens when we choose to do things like go to bed rather than reading our daily Bible verse first or when we choose to go to bed claiming we are too tired to pray. If you continue in those patterns you will start to drift away. You can’t let the enemy get you there, you might be tired but you have to choose to read that verse anyway, you might be tired but you have to choose to pray anyway. It’s an ongoing process, you can’t get lazy in your spiritual journey, you have to keep choosing to do it even when you don’t feel like it! Don’t allow your tiredness to affect your growth! Continue to choose God no matter the circumstances.

5- Unhealthy Habits and addictions: Unhealthy habits and addictions, when you think of that I’m sure some of the first things that come up in your mind are drinking, drugs and smoking right? Yes those are all unhealthy habits and can become addictions but there are so many unhealthy habits you could be doing without even noticing! Like cussing, white lies, gossiping, shopping, gambling, scrolling social media etc… You see when you allow yourself to do these things on a daily basis without even realizing you are doing them they can lead you down the wrong path and they could be the reason you aren’t growing in your walk with Christ. We really have to self examine ourselves, we need to come to the realization of what we are really doing in our everyday lives and what we seriously need to work on and change. I know this can be hard to truly examine yourself and your ways but once you come to that realization it just might flip a switch inside of you that says oh my gosh I need to change this. Don’t let those unhealthy habits become an addiction, stop them before they stop you! And don’t you dare say you can’t because again can’t never could because he never tried and, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:13

6- Bitterness and resentment: These feelings happen when something wrong is done to us that we choose to hold on to instead of letting go. When you choose to hold on to something that someone did that tends to lead to holding grudges. Even if the person apologized and your still holding on to it you are hindering your own growth by simply not forgiving them and letting it go. In order to grow in this area you have to understand in order to be forgiven we also have to forgive others. Lets take it back to when Jesus was on the cross, all these hurtful things were being done to him but yet he still asked God to forgive them for what they were doing. Holding grudges doesn’t help the situation, it doesn’t make you better, it makes it worse because by doing that you are continuously getting hurt by the situation. Choose to forgive, don’t continue to bring up the past hurt, don’t continue to hold resentment against someone, do what Jesus did. I’m not saying that by forgiving the hurt will go away at that moment because it won’t. Every time that situation comes back up you have to choose to keep forgiving.

7-Lack of spiritual discipline and commitment: Growing in Christ is something you really have to be committed to. Its not something you can do one time and think you’re set for life, that’s not how it works its an everyday fight. I’ve come to learn that if you allow yourself to get side tracked on your journey, the joy, the peace, the comfort will all start to slowly feel like they are going away and your mental health will start to show the effects. The trick is you have to stick to it. I know on days when it feels like its been the worst day ever and you are just completely over it and you feel like your in a hole that you can’t get out of, your motivation might not be the greatest. But you really have to discipline yourself, make it a priority so that when days like that do happen you can look forward to getting in the word to lift your spirits up. Coming from a gym rat I know discipline is not easy, there are plenty of days I absolutely don’t feel like going to the gym but I know that if I start that behavior its automatically going to become a pattern until eventually I stop going. The same thing happens on our walk with Christ, if we don’t discipline ourselves and make it an everyday thing well eventually we aren’t going to want to do it at all until one day we realize our mental and spiritual health has went down the drain because we have abandoned our walk. But don’t for one second think just because that happens that its to late for you to start back. Its never to late God has been right there the whole time, He never left your side and that’s the amazing thing about Him, He is always there no matter what we have done or how bad we think we have screwed up this time, He is still there waiting for us to come! Start making a schedule for each day and during that schedule set out a certain time for just you and God, reading the Bible, praying, worshiping. It doesn’t matter where it is, you could be driving to work with worship music blasting, or on your lunch break listening to a sermon, or at night time before bed reading a verse and saying your prayers. Anytime is a good time as long as you are making it a point to get it in each day!

I hope these barriers help you on your walk with Christ. I encourage you to really self examine yourself and see what areas you need to work on or see if any of these barriers are hindering your growth. And please know if you have a strong feeling that you don’t need to do something, you need to stop doing something, or there’s something or someone you don’t need to be around that’s probably God trying to help you grow. Make sure you can understand when its his voice and when its the enemies voice, if it leads you to peace that’s God, if it leads you to worry or stress that’s the enemy.

I used to love horror movies like no ones business, Michael Myers was one of my favorites (yeah I know) until one day I was watching a horror movie with my husband and randomly I got this weird feeling in my stomach, I don’t really know how to explain it except for it wasn’t a good feeling. So I asked him to turn it off, and well the minute he turned it off the feeling went away. Yep that was God saying Hello you’re literally watching the devil run around on the screen WAKE UP! Sense then I haven’t watched a horror movie and I don’t want anything to do with them and I’ve felt so much more growth just from that!

There are so many things God could be telling you, you just have to be willing to listen to his guidance and follow his guidance. I know it can be scary to let go of something you are so used to but please trust me when I say this, the feeling of a weight being lifted that you didn’t even know needed to be lifted is a feeling no one can describe until it happens. You will feel so much more free from things that were holding you back and your growth will take off!


Ask God to show you where you need to improve, Ask him to take away anything that could be hindering your growth in him, Ask him to guide you as you go on this journey. Watch how he works and pay attention to those weird feelings you have about something or someone. Distance yourself from those somethings you have weird feelings about and see if it feels like a weight being lifted. Enjoy the journey and allow God to work in you and through you.

Controlling Your Thoughts Everyday Battles Truth

Replacing the Lies with the truth

The devil wants nothing more than to feel your head with lies. After all if he gets you to believe them once what makes you think he would stop there? If you continue to believe the lies they will continue to overflow in your head and take your thoughts captive. That’s the point, the devil wants you to be his prisoner. He wants you to get caught up in your own head. Get your popcorn because this is going to be a good one!

He could tell you one thing and the minute you choose to believe it, your thoughts go off the rails and you immediately go into overthinking mode. Its crazy how one little word or phrase sends us on a crazy thinking train, oh but wait that’s his mind game. My favorite saying “Not today satan”, yeah you’re going to need to use that ALOT! When those thoughts hit, your mind starts to look like the episode of SpongeBob where the inside of his mind is on fire in complete chaos. You’re running around in your head trying to figure out where this came from, who said that, what just happened and where this is being held.

Welcome to the mind game the enemy loves to play. The only thing is we didn’t sign up to play. Think about this, if you chose not to believe the thoughts as soon as they pop up in your head, and take a minute to compare what the enemy is trying to get you to believe to what God actually says what would happen? You would soon come to realize its all lies that you’ve fallen for and led yourself to believe. Your thought process is “if it keeps coming up in my head then it must be true” or “if I continue to think this it must mean something”. They actually don’t mean anything except for you’re being held captive in a prison cell that you didn’t realize existed.

Getting pretty deep right? Its okay we all struggle with the enemies lies the key is to replace them with Gods truth. I’m not saying its a cake walk by any means so please don’t leave this post today thinking oh okay if I just replace this lie with Gods truth one time it won’t happen again.. WRONG. The enemy will continue to attack you no matter how many times you replace a lie with a truth he will come back with another one. That’s why it is so important to continue to fight back with Gods truth, this is not just a one and done deal its a continuous thing that you have to keep choosing to do in order to fully defeat it. Its a spiritual battle that we all face but we serve a God who fights these battles with us.

I’ve seen so many people in these situations say they are waiting on God to get them out or they are waiting on God to fight for them. The truth is we have a responsibility in it all as well we can’t just expect God to do it all for us while we sit here not doing our part. We have to fight to, we have to put on the armor of God and stand up to the enemy. “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” -Ephesians 6:11-13

Let me ask you this, when you say “I can’t” did you really try, did you pray about it, did you give it to God, did you ask Him for his help? Or did you just let the thought of “I can’t” take control and you just decided you weren’t going to really try? You see when I was little my grandma would always tell me, “Well can’t never could because he never tried” and dang if she wasn’t right every time. Grandma was a very Godly woman so she knew exactly what was happening in my mind when I would say “I can’t” and she knew just the right thing to fight it back with and that’s because she spent time with God everyday, she was in the word everyday, she was praying everyday.

You see in order to accomplish something you have to keep continuously trying, you can’t give up the minute the enemy puts “I can’t” in your head. Replace that “I can’t” with Gods truth of “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:13 or “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” -Matthew 19:26. When you start to replace the lies the enemy throws at you with Gods truth you are standing up against him, you are letting him know you aren’t going to play his game anymore. That doesn’t mean he is going to back down just yet but when you do this continuously God will help you win the battle!

The next time the enemy fills your head with a lie, dig into Gods word to see what truth you can replace that lie with. But beware the minute you let your guard down the enemy will come ten times stronger. We have to stay on guard. We have to work at it daily. Its just like building your relationship with Christ, it doesn’t happen in a day it happens over time. If you stick to replacing the lies with the truth daily over time you will see the change, you will feel more at peace instead of stressed and overthinking. It will happen in time but you have to play your part to.

Recommended Books to read to help with this:

-Winning The War In your Mind By: Craig Groeschel

Sermons to help with this:

-Tuning your heart to the Truth By: Steven Furtick

Everyday Battles Insecurity Patience Praying Shyness

Life As A Shy Kid

Hey, Allison here and I want to share a little bit about my life growing up. We’re going to focus on how I was a shy kid and got out of it. Trust me even now as a twenty one year old I still have my moments, but its much better than before.

Most of us know shyness is usually a person that doesn’t speak up in class because of nerves or uncomfortableness. People who are shy can be insecure and have anxiety. They also tend to blush, feel shaky, sweaty, or even speechless when the spotlight hits them. Hi, that was me and still is sometimes. I was always the quiet kid in school never raising my hand to answer a question and hating when I got called on. Most of the time I felt like the outcast and that everyone else knew the answers to the problem but me. When I did get called on it seemed like everyone looked at me and my face heated up. It turned bright tomato red and I knew everyone could see it. It was embarrassing. I also hated reading out loud because what if I misread a word? If I knew I was next to read I was always reading the next part that would be mine to see if there were any words I did not know and try to pronounce in my head. Being shy also meant I struggle to ask for help. I did not like math at all! It didn’t come to me easily as it did for others so I made do without asking for help.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.

God does not want us to lack courage or confidence. He wants us to be proud to be who we are. If we say something incorrect then oh well we can study so we are better for next time. God never said you weren’t allowed to make mistakes. I know it will take some time if you are shy. It can not be fixed in one day. It took me years to make lots of progress. Pray about it and ask God to put you in situations that are out of your comfort zone. That is how I became more independent and extroverted.

Okay, now here is where I get into the part about becoming less shy and let me warn you it involves the sport ice hockey. Hanna knows I talk about this constantly and it is because God put it in my path to get me out of my comfort zone. I am passionate about hockey just like I am about God. God comes first as he always should!

Back in March 2019 I attended my first Federal Prospects Hockey League game or for short you can call it the FPHL. Some might call it the beer league and I will get to why later. In Winston Salem we have a team called the Carolina Thunderbirds. The name has been changed over the years but for the last six that name has stuck. It was cancer night and I had never watched a hockey game before at least not that I had recalled. It wasn’t much of an action kind of game like I had heard. The score was 1-1 and the third period was almost over. Well believe it or not right before my very eyes the puck went into the back of the net with one second left. Yes, ONE SECOND. Can you imagine the feeling in that arena? The cheers, the celebrating on the ice, and me jumping up and down? Yeah, well that happened and after it all I met four great players! Three who are still around the league today.

The hockey games did not stop there and my shyness didn’t either. I still struggled with it at school but hockey was making it better because I cheered for my team not caring what people thought around me. I even met a lot of new people. Before hockey, my weekends consisted of staying in, A LOT, and playing on my phone or watching movies/TV. Now that I have this great sport in my life I am at the arena almost every weekend and occasionally on a week night. I cheer for my team win or lose and I get the chance to talk to these hockey players. You can’t talk to an NHL player like Sebastian Aho from the Carolina Hurricanes after the game and have a beer with him aka why it’s called beer league hockey. You can drink with the players after almost any game, get pictures, autographs, and have meaningful conversations. They’re basically local celebrities to our city, but it’s more than that for me.

In 2022 my family and I joined the Thunderbirds booster club and it also helped with my shyness. We got the privilege to adopt a hockey player, get to know him, take him out to eat, etc. He gave me my first hockey stick and I cherish that thing! We even had a super bowl party with the guys and do all sorts of things for them. Not only did hockey bring out my extroverted side it helps me help others. If you don’t know hockey then you don’t know that these players in the FPHL hardly make any money. Some work jobs outside of hockey and it’s not easy when the medical bills pile up from getting a tooth knocked out or breaking a bone. There is lots of fighting in the FPHL which leads to injuries. As a booster club member we help where we can. This year is my families second year with the booster club. Before the 2023-2024 season even started we donated a queen sized mattress to one of the houses the guys live in and a full size futon for the coach. We didn’t buy it brand new it was used and they didn’t care. They appreciated what they could get and didn’t want brand new. (Literally the Captain of the team said don’t buy anything brand new.) My family and I also host a concert with our friends from Nashville. This time right before the season started after training camp we prepped food for the entire team! Now that is a lot of grown men to cook for! There were around perhaps twenty hockey players at my house in October 2023 and it was wild. It made me feel great though to know I was helping.

I never thought a sport would flip my life upside down but here I am with so many new people in my life I never would have met if it weren’t for hockey. These people not only share the love of hockey but also the love of Jesus. I’ve traveled away from my family to see this team play with people I barely knew. (Talk about getting out of your comfort zone!) It’s amazing how our God works each and every day. He puts you in places you’d never expect. I know we all have ups and downs but I am so thankful to have the life I have today even with the struggles. One of my favorite sayings is: Blessed and hockey obsessed.

I’m glad I started off shy in life so I could bloom later on. I’m not perfect (we all knows Jesus is the only perfect one.) I will probably never be 100% comfortable in some situations. What I do know is that Jesus is there for us during the struggles whether we see it or not. Jesus is proud of you and loves you even when you fail or think you have failed. Wherever you are on your journey right now know that God has got you. He has always been there and will never leave.